Support My Work

Support My Work

Going to be honest with you here folks.

I’m bad at asking people for help and support.  Always have been.   So I’ve written and rewritten this page several times, trying to make it sound flowery and nice, and offering all sorts of justifications for why I’m worthy of support.  And they were all well written justifications, I am, after all, a writer.

But, in the end what it comes down to is this. I have some ideas for writing projects that won’t generate money until they’re finished.  And I can’t finish them if I have to worry about how I’m going to pay the electric bill or buy groceries.   And while I am looking for additional gigs and working to build new sources of income, I can neither force people to hire me, or make building new things or writing new educational e-books happen faster.

So, as artists have done in centuries past, I’m searching for patrons.  People who believe in me and my work enough to offer me some support of a financial nature.  And, being honest again, it feels a bit scary to ask this.  And also, weirdly, a little validating at the same time.  I think my work is worth supporting.  I’m hoping others will too.

If you do make a donation,  and are on Facebook, you can see what I’m doing by following my Write On, Kristine page.  That’s where I’ll be talking about works in progress,  ideas, and then about items that are finished, published and for sale.

Thank you for supporting my work.  Your belief in what I’m doing means the world to me.

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Support My Work

Going to be honest with you here folks. I'm bad at asking people for help and support.  Always have been.   So I've written and rewritten this page several times, trying…

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